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Mandy Haggith

You can't beat a retreat!

Added on 15 February 2013

There are places available on two retreat weeks with Mandy in 2013:

2-7 June at Glencanisp Lodge

31 August - 6 September on Tanera Mor

These retreat weeks are ideal opportunities to devote some quality time to your writing. Mandy has been leading retreats since 2006 and her loosely structured, friendly approach is popular with students, with many people returning year after year.

The retreats have a simple pattern, with an optional creative warm-up session every morning, inspiring walks or workshops on most days, and a communal evening meal with an opportunity to share work and get feedback from the group after dinner. Mandy is on hand to help, read and comment on drafts and generally encourage you to treat yourself well, indulge your creative urges and make progress with your writing.

For more details, follow the two links above or contact Mandy directly using the contact button on the left.

< Bear Witness to be published in AprilLive webcast from StAnza >