Artist profile on Northings

Added on 10 March 2011

Mary King's view of Assynt An interview with the landscape painter Mary King, who paints Assynt, is up on the Northings website.

September retreat plan

Added on 18 February 2011

Retreat to the Summer Isles The wonderful people who live on Tanera Mor, in the Summer Isles, are hosting a creative retreat from 3 to 9 September, to be led by Mandy. The retreat will take Mandy's normal format, with regular morning 'creative warm-up' sessions, lots of peacefully stimulating activi...

Articles published

Added on 06 February 2011

Joining the forest debate Mandy has four pieces published in this month's Bratach, including one responding to the proposals in England for the state forest to be passed to private hands. The article argues that the English ideas are clearly drawing on some of the land reform initiatives in Scotland...