Story published

Added on 30 January 2011

Erratics A very, very short story by Mandy called 'Erratics' has been published in the new edition of From Glasgow to Saturn - scroll down to the bottom of the page to find it. Erratics are boulders that were picked up by glaciers during the last ice age and dropped again, often in incongruous place...

MacCaig Tribute Poem

Added on 30 November 2010

A Passion for Assynt Mandy's poem written in response to 'A Man in Assynt', by Norman MacCaig, has made the front page headline of the new issue of Northwords Now, Scotland's literary broadsheet. The poem is included in full in the magazine and is available to listen to on the NNow website, here. It...

MacCaig celebration

Added on 05 November 2010

Norman MacCaig Centenary Celebration in Assynt Mandy is the co-ordinator of the celebration of one hundred years since the poet Norman MacCaig's birth. He loved Assynt and spent every summer here for decades. For more details of the celebration see the Top Left Corner website.