
Added on 29 April 2017

Tomorrow night is Beltane, and I'll be celebrating with a fire as always, but this year with a special zeal as today I signed a contract with Saraband Books for the publication of Stone Stories, my historical novel trilogy! The trilogy is set, as regular readers no doubt know, in the Iron Age. I...

On writing about spring

Added on 15 April 2017

Spring is here again, bringing primroses, geese overhead and all the other delights that come around at this time of year. I’ve just done a podcast of spring poems (here), and realise that I have sinned. Or have I? Reading an anthology of new poetry recently, I was struck by the editorial intr...

More good things bears do in the woods

Added on 08 April 2017

There are a couple of fascinating videos that I've been pointed to repeatedly over the past couple of weeks. The first one (here) is Suzanne Simard talking about trees communicating with each other. It's full of fascinating research about the ways that trees in a forest co-operate, passing c...